Artlantis kompatybilny z macOS Monterey

2021-10-27 11:00:00
Artlantis jest teraz kompatybilny z macOS Monterey

Ta informacja jest skierowana do użytkowników komputerów Mac. Jeśli używasz komputera PC i pracujesz na Artlantis , zalecamy odłożenie aktualizacji do systemu Windows 11 na później. Producent będzie informował o kompatybilności tak szybko, jak to będzie możliwe.

Jeżeli chcesz zainstalować najnowsza wersję Artlantis kompatybilną z systemem Monterey macOS (macOS 12), przejdź tutaj, kliknij dwukrotnie na program updater i postępuj zgodnie z instrukcjami instalacji!

Prosimy o zapoznanie się ze szczegółami tej aktualizacji.


  • ExtraGIAccuracy checkbox is available in Rendering Parameters to fix light leaks around window openings, for example.
  • UseReferenceFile options: By default, check Import all.
  • Post Process: Enable DOF items only for Perspective, Insertion, and Animation views.
  • Easy interface: Coordinates button is back in all the view Inspectors.
  • Alpha Mask Editor: Save result to Desktop if using .atlp image as Foreground image.
  • When opening an Artlantis document: verify that foreground and background images exist on the disk; if they don’t, delete them from the views.
  • Save the last used backup folder when saving a view to being rendered later.
  • Merge geometry: the created layer is visible in all views.
  • Media Installer: added the Portal Object and all 3D Grass V2 shaders.

  • Import of SketchUp 2021.1 files.
  • Stand Alone client on Catalina.
  • Alpha Mask Editor: the generated image remains available when closing the document saved in .atl.
  • Alpha Mask Editor: the name of the generated image gets modified to avoid having the file name too long.
  • Crash when opening a document on Windows 10 linked to a wrong value of PreviewCenter saved in the Preferences.
  • Crash if a Postcard’s name contained a dot ( “.” ).
  • Crash in the RED engine when rendering an Artlantis 6.5 file with a Denoiser intensity value of 0.01.
  • Implemented image file in .atlp format.
  • Bug when changing the origin of a scene containing only one object and the textures did not move along with the geometry.
  • MediaStore download: if the user had already downloaded a library element, the catalog displayed a white rectangle instead of the Media preview.
  • Lights inspector on the easy interface: the color popup always displayed the “Custom” value when opening the document.
  • Rendering parameters, easy interface: the Denoiser popup always displayed the “Custom” value.

Autor:Administrator Sklepu